Thursday, January 28, 2016

Writers itch

A lot has changed since I last wrote anything for my humble little blog. Oh, I've made plenty of entries in my mind. You would be amazed at my wit and my cleverly turned phrases that never quite made it out of my brain and onto this blog, or paper or even Facebook. I've lived a whole slough of life experiences that will go unchronicled. And I think I'm fine with that. Because the point of life, after all, is to live it and not just to chronicle it all for someone else. I'm sure I'll rant about that at a later date.
Anyway, after many moves, a pet's passing, a new dog, a baby, a job quitting for me and a new job in a new state for my husband.. almost everything in my life has changed. I spent most of that time just riding the current. But now that I finally feel established again and like the world has stopped spinning (in a good way, not in an apocalyptic way), I've been feeling that itch to write again. We'll see how long it lasts.