Tuesday, February 9, 2010


For those of you who know me well, you know that caffeine and I don't get along. Like, at all. My latest post was about coffee. Well, I have now drunk (drank? drinked?) half a cup of my concoction, which was about 40% coffee and 60% milk and caramel, and I already feel jittery and just a teency bit nauseous.
I have had just about enough of this caffeine reaction business. I want to be able to drink coffee whenever I feel like it! I want to drink black tea at night! Come on! So I went online to do some research about caffeine. I just knew that there had to be something that would counteract the effects of caffeine and make my life a little easier. Guess what? THERE IS!!
Let me quote, from Prevention Magazine's website:

Smoking can increase caffeine metabolism, decreasing effectiveness. Smokers who use caffeine-containing.. products may require higher amounts of caffeine to achieve effectiveness."

Well, I trust Prevention's advice. I will start smoking posthaste.