Saturday, December 19, 2009

Mother knows best

I was chatting online with my mom yesterday. Here's a little snapshot of our conversation:

Mom: How are you this afternoon?
me: so so
Mom: How so?
me: I've been having some acid reflux, I think because of stress
Mom: How does that feel foryou?
me: Sore throat, some ear pain
Mom: Are you sure it's not the flu?

Aah, mothers, why are they granted all the wisdom of the universe? As the day wore on, my 'acid reflux' also manifested itself in a splitting headache, one of the most painful sore throats I've ever experienced, and then losing my voice.

Bottom line- I feel terrible. And I think it's the flu. I have no idea why I thought it was heartburn. Thanks a lot, you germy teenagers.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man..hope you feel better soon! Moms are great at knowing that stuff.
